Friday 30 July 2010

WB Considering Jon Hamm for Superman

Christopher Nolan is producing, David Goyer writing and Jonah Nolan possibly helming. That's enough to get fans excited and what not, but it doesn’t answer the question everyone wants to know, "Who will be the new Superman?"
With plans set for a December 2012 release, we've heard different names out in the open ranging from Chuck star Zachary Levi in the "Rumor Mill" department to True Blood actor Joe Manganiello publicly campaigning for the role. But who do the studios (in this case, Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures) have their eye on for mild-mannered Clark Kent and his red-and-blue suit wearing alter ego, or is it the other way around?
Sources tell TMT one such actor being "seriously considered" is Mad Men star Jon Hamm.
At thirty-nine (He'd be past forty when The Man of Steel opens), he's certainly older than who's regularly looked at for these franchises. Then again, look at Robert Downey Jr. He's starring in the Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes films (and then there's Avengers) and he's a few years older. Not to mention, Hamm happens to have been a fan-favorite for Kal-El for years now. Something that was suggested to him directly by Music Television and it wasn't like he immediately dismissed the notion.
Before anyone starts nerdgasming, keep in mind no deal is in place and there's no indication Hamm and/or his representation has met with WB, Legendary or the Nolan crew. He's one of several names being thrown around the Burbank offices to headline the new Superman franchise. But it gives you an idea of what direction they're looking at.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Wednesday 28 July 2010